A Brief Study Of The

Church In The New Testament

Dr. Robert L. Scott


Under each subject, read the scriptures listed and answer the questions pertaining to them.
  1. The Church Foretold:
    1. Isaiah 2:2-4
      1. When was the church to be established?
      2. What term is used to describe the church?   (compare 1 Timothy 3:15)
      3. Who was to be a part of the church?
      4. Where was the church to be established?
      5. What statement is made that illustrates the attitude members of the church are to have?
    2. Matthew 16:13-19
      1. Who did some people think Jesus was?
      2. Who did Peter say Jesus was?
      3. Who told Peter who Jesus was?
      4. Whose church did Jesus promise to build?
      5. What term did Jesus use interchangeably with the church?
      6. What did Jesus mean about binding and loosing?
    3. Mark 9:1
      1. What term did Jesus use for the church?
      2. How did Jesus show a definite period of time in which the church would be established?
      3. The church was to come with what?
  2. The Beginning of the Church:
    1. Acts 1:6-8
      1. Did Jesus' disciples understand what the kingdom would be?
      2. When would they receive power?
      3. Do you remember what else was to come with power?
      4. Where was their witnessing to start?
    2. Acts 2:1-47
      1. On what day did the Holy Spirit come to the apostles?
      2. What three things proved the presence of the Holy Spirit?
      3. What accusation was made against the apostles by some mockers?
      4. What two arguments did Peter make to prove the accusation was false?
      5. How did Peter say Jesus was approved of God in their midst?
      6. How did Peter prove the resurrection of Jesus?
      7. Since Jesus was raised, and exalted, according to Peter what did he "pour forth"?
      8. Jesus, who was crucified by the Jews, was made what, by God?
      9. When the hearers were bothered by Peter's sermon, what was their question?
      10. What was Peter's answer to their question?
      11. What did those people do who "received" Peter's words?
      12. How many people, as a result, were added to the church on that day?
      13. Those who were added to the church were "continually devoting themselves" to what four things?
      14. What illustrates that these early Christians were good stewards?
      15. Who did the Lord add to the church?
  3. Jesus Is Our Savior:
    1. John 4:39-42
      1. What caused many Samaritans to believe in Jesus?
      2. What caused many more to believe later?
      3. When the many believed, what did they say they knew?
    2. Acts 5:29-32
      1. What statement did the apostles make about obedience?
      2. When God raised and exalted Jesus, Jesus became what?
      3. That made what possible for us?
    3. Ephesians 5:23
      1. Jesus is the head of what?
      2. He is the savior of what?   (see also Acts 20:28)
      3. What is the body?   (Find a passage in Ephesians that proves your answer.)
    4. 1 Corinthians 1:10-13
      1. Paul admonished Christians to be of the same what?
      2. Some Corinthians were divided over what?
      3. What questions did Paul ask to show that he was not the savior?
  4. Becoming Members of the Lord's Church:
    1. Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16
      1. Who has all authority?
      2. Who were Christians supposed to teach, or make disciples of?
      3. Those who were taught were to do what?
      4. They were then to be taught to do what?
      5. According to Mark, what was to be taught?   (see Romans 1:16)
      6. What was promised to believers who would be baptized?
      7. What was promised to those who did not believe?
    2. Acts 2:36-41,47
      1. Even though Jesus was crucified, what had God made him?
      2. What question was asked of the apostles?   (compare Acts 16:25-34)
      3. What answer did Peter give?
      4. Was Peter's answer the same as Jesus had told them?
      5. Who was included in the promise of remission of sins?
      6. In order to become members of the church, what did three thousand people do?   (see Ephesians 5:23)
      7. Who added those people to the church?
    3. Romans 6:2-4
      1. Those who obey God die to what?   (compare Acts 22:16)
      2. We are baptized into what?   (compare Galatians 3:26-27)
      3. Is baptism described as sprinkling or pouring water on someone?   (compare Colossians 2:12)
      4. We are raised from baptism to do what?   (see also Matthew 6:33)
  5. The Lord's Supper:
    1. Matthew 26:26-28
      1. What did Jesus call the bread which he gave to his disciples?
      2. What did he call the cup?   (see also verse 29)
      3. Did Jesus use any figurative language when he instituted the Lord's supper?
      4. According to Jesus, what did the "blood of the covenant" do?
    2. 1 Corinthians 11:20-31
      1. Why could the Corinthians not eat the Lord's supper?
      2. Where did Paul get his information about the Lord's supper?
      3. When did Jesus institute the Lord's supper?
      4. What is the purpose of the Lord's supper?
      5. In a sense, the Lord's supper is a "sermon."   What do we preach?
      6. What results if we take the Lord's supper "in an unworthy manner"?
      7. Before taking the Lord's supper, what should we do?
      8. Explain verse 30.
    3. Acts 20:7-12
      1. On what day are we to take the Lord's supper?
      2. What other term is used to mean the Lord's supper?
      3. Is taking the Lord's supper the only reason for Christians to come together?
      4. Can you think of a reason for the death of Eutychus?   (compare Mark 16:20)
      5. In this passage the term "breaking bread" is used in what two ways?
  6. Studying God's Word:
    1. 2 Timothy 3:13-17
      1. What did Paul say evil men would do?
      2. Timothy was told to continue in what?
      3. The "sacred writings" were able to do what for Timothy?
      4. Who inspired the scriptures?
      5. What four things are the scriptures profitable for?
      6. How many good works are furnished in the scriptures?
      7. Does this passage help to explain Psalm 119:105?
    2. 2 Timothy 2:14-19
      1. Of what did Paul want Timothy to remind others?
      2. Why did he not want people to "wrangle about words"?
      3. From whom should we seek approval?
      4. How can we be sure we are workers who are not ashamed?
      5. What is a result of "worldly and empty chatter"?
      6. Is it possible to err from the truth?
      7. What was being taught by Philetus and Hymenaeus?
      8. If we are the Lord's, what will we abstain from?
      9. Does this make studying God's word important?   (see 2 Peter 3:18)
    3. James 1:21-25
      1. In studying God's word, is it important that we put away sin?
      2. With what attitude are we to receive God's word?
      3. If we only hear the word, what are we doing to ourselves?
      4. What picture does James give of one who is "not a doer"?
      5. What two words are used to describe God's word in verse 25?
      6. What is promised the one who is a doer of the word?   (compare Matthew 5:6)
    4. 1 Peter 2:1-5
      1. Before we can properly learn, what must we put away?
      2. What is Peter's figure concerning babies?
      3. If we "long for the pure milk," what will result?
      4. What was rejected by men?
      5. If we are "living stones," what are we a part of?
      6. What kind of sacrifices do we offer?   (compare Romans 12:1-2)
      7. Look back over the main ideas in the above passages and think of how important it is that we study and learn God's word.
  7. Singing As Worship:
    1. Ephesians 5:17-21
      1. Paul tells us not to be what two things?
      2. But, he said, be filled with what?
      3. Part of that filling is through singing.   What word shows this is to be done with the mouth?   (compare Hebrews 13:15)
      4. What three kinds of songs are mentioned?   (Do we have to know the difference?
      5. With what instrument are we to "make melody"?
      6. We are to give thanks through whom?
      7. Now read Acts 16:22-25.   For what did Paul and Silas have to be thankful?
      8. What does verse 21 mean?   (compare Galatians 5:13)
    2. Colossians 3:12-17
      1. What are God's people to "put on"?
      2. What example of forgiveness are we to follow?
      3. What is the perfect bond?   (compare 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
      4. Where is peace to rule?
      5. Whose word is to dwell in us?
      6. What two words indicate our singing is to be directed to each other?
      7. Does "with thankfulness in your hearts" mean the same as "melody with your heart" in Ephesians 5:19?
      8. Whatever we do is to be done in whose name?
      9. Through whom are we to give thanks?
  8. Contributing to the Work of the Church:
    1. 1 Corinthians 16:1-2
      1. The contribution is called what two things in this passage?
      2. What did Paul mean when he said "I directed"?
      3. When is the collection to be taken?
      4. What is the basis of how much we should give?
      5. Read Psalm 24:1 and tell how much of your possessions belong to God.
    2. 2 Corinthians 8:3-5
      1. What describes how much the Macedonians gave?
      2. Why is the word "participation" used concerning their ministering?
      3. What did they give first?
    3. 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
      1. What happens if we sow sparingly?
      2. What does it mean to purpose in your heart?
      3. What does God promise if we give as he directs?   (compare Luke 6:38)
      4. How does our liberality show our thankfulness?
  9. Our Prayer Life:
    1. Luke 18:1-5
      1. What was the purpose of this parable by Jesus?
      2. In this context, what does it mean to lose heart?
      3. What did the widow do?
      4. What did the judge do at first?
      5. Why did the judge change his mind?   (compare 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
      6. What statement shows that God will answer prayer?
    2. Acts 12:4-16
      1. When Peter was arrested by Herod, he was put under what kind of guard?   (See if you can find out how many soldiers that was.)
      2. Describe the prayer of the church for Peter.
      3. Was Peter alone in the prison?
      4. Describe what the angel did for Peter.
      5. What was happening that night at the house of Mary?
      6. When the maid realized Peter was at the door, what did she do?
      7. Does anything indicate the Christians might have had the wrong attitude while praying?   (compare Matthew 21:22 and James 1:6)
    3. Matthew 6:5-15
      1. For what purpose do hypocrites pray?
      2. Why does Jesus mention an inner room, or closet?
      3. What is the purpose of meaningless repetition?
      4. Does "in this way" mean we are to recite the "Lord's prayer"?
      5. To whom is prayer to be addressed?
      6. What part of the prayer shows praise?
      7. Can we pray "Your kingdom come" today?
      8. In praying "Your will be done," what is our part?   (see also Colossians 3:17)
      9. Does "daily bread" imply luxuries?
      10. Upon what, in part, does our being forgiven depend?
    4. Matthew 7:7-12
      1. What is the basic principle of "ask, seek, and knock"?
      2. What is the comparison between God and our earthly parents?
      3. How is prayer tied to our treatment of others?
    5. Some questions for consideration:
      1. How many times a day should a Christian pray?
      2. Do you pray enough?
      3. Is it possible for statements like "Bring us back at the next appointed time," and others, to be meaningless repetition?
      4. Do you think God requires us to use Shakespearian language in talking to him?   What kind of language should we use?
      5. Would it be possible to effectively pray to God in a foreign language?
      6. What position is best while praying?
      7. What is the purpose of bowing one's head while praying?
      8. Why is it good to close one's eyes while praying?   Would it be all right to pray without bowing or closing one's eyes?
      9. What might be some reasons we may want to gather at some person's house to pray?   Have you ever done it?
      10. Have you ever felt that God is not answering your prayers?
  10. Living the Christian Life:
    1. Romans 12:1-2,9-21
      1. What are we to sacrifice to God?
      2. In what ways does that sacrifice differ from those of Old Testament times?
      3. We are not to be conformed to what?
      4. What is a transformation?
      5. How is that to be done?
      6. If we transform ourselves, what will it help prove for us?
      7. Love is to be without what?   (compare 1 Timothy 1:5)
      8. What contrast is to be in our minds between good and evil?
      9. What does "give preference to one another" mean?
      10. What is diligence?
      11. What does "fervent" mean?
      12. What do we have to rejoice about?
      13. Why is perseverance important?   (see also James 1:2-4)
      14. What does it mean about our lives if we are not "devoted to prayer"?
      15. What does "contributing to the needs of the saints" mean?
      16. Why is it important for a Christian to be "practicing hospitality"?
      17. How are we to treat one who persecutes us?
      18. What does it prove if we "rejoice with those who rejoice"?   Is it hard to do?
      19. What does it accomplish if we "weep with those who weep"?
      20. What happens if Christians are not "of the same mind"?   (compare 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 and Ephesians 4:1-6)
      21. What does "associate with the lowly" mean?   Why is it part of Christian living?
      22. To whom does vengeance belong?   Why?
      23. What are we to do to our enemies?   (see Matthew 5:44-45)
      24. How are we to overcome evil?
    2. Galatians 5:16-24
      1. Why should we "walk by the Spirit"?
      2. The Spirit is contrary to what?
      3. If we are led by the Spirit, we are not under what?   (see Romans 6:14)
      4. Find a definition for each of the works of the flesh, verses 19-21.
      5. The works of the flesh will keep us from what?   (see also 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
      6. Find a definition for each fruit of the spirit, verses 22-23.
      7. What description is given for those who "belong to Christ"?   (compare Galatians 2:20)
    3. Galatians 6:7-10
      1. How can one be deceived concerning the law of sowing and reaping?
      2. What will we reap if we sow to the flesh?
      3. What will we reap if we sow to the Spirit?
      4. What might cause one to "lose heart in doing good"?
      5. What promise is given to us if we do not grow weary?
      6. As we have opportunity, what are we to do?   (compare Proverbs 3:27)
      7. We are to do good especially for whom?
    4. James 1:26-27
      1. What two negative things are said about one who thinks himself to be religious?
      2. What kind of religion is that?   (see also Matthew 15:8-9)
      3. List the two characteristics of pure religion mentioned by James.
      4. Pure religion is also "undefiled."   What does that mean?
    5. James 2:14-26
      1. To say we have faith cannot save us.   What else is necessary?
      2. In James' illustration, what does "Go in peace" mean?
      3. What kind of faith does not have works?
      4. Who believes and shudders (trembles)?
      5. In the description of faith without works, what does useless mean?
      6. How was Abraham justified by works?
      7. What makes faith perfect?   (compare Hebrews 11:4-12)
      8. What is said about faith only?
      9. What did Rahab do that proved she believed in God?
      10. How does James use the body and spirit to illustrate his point?