This sheet music was designed to be decorative, not simply functional. As you see from the heading for the first song, they came out as a set: « To the R.Hon. the Earl of HALIFAX, these four Plates are humbly Inscrib'd. »
Each song is scored with only melody and figured bass.*
For a closeup of an image, view alone in separate tab. | ||
THE CHACEThis appears to be the first of the set.It includes the aforementioned dedication, as well as an apparent set identifier at the foot.
The notation "Set by Mr. Carey" seems to indicate The flute part is written up a minor third. |
Away away we've Crown'd the Day we've Crown'd the Day away away we've Crown'd the Day the Hounds are waiting for their Prey. The Huntsman's Call Invites ye all the Huntsman's Call Invites ye all, Come in Come in Boys while you may, Come in Come in Boys while you may.
The Jolly Horn, the Rosie Morn, the Rosie Morn
The Horn shall be the Husband's Fee, the Husband's Fee, |
GENEROUS LOVEA collection of sweet, romantic thoughts.Genuine love is better than riches, etc. This is from back in the day when it was still fashionable for love to be "chast"! Notice some of the note heads face the wrong way. The flute part is written up a perfect fifth. |
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Love's a gentle generous Passion, Source of all sublime delights, When with mutual inclination Two fond Hearts in one unites, Two fond Hearts in one unites.
What are titles, pomp or Riches,
Lawless Passion brings vexation, |
THE LASS OF PATTIES MILLThis publication does not show credits.It is believed to be from around 1725, with lyrics by Allan Ramsay and music by David Rizzio.
A bit risqué in one spot. (There is a The flute part is written up a perfect fourth. |
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The Lass of Patties Mill, So bony blith and gay In spight of aw my skill She stole my Heart away When tedding of the Hay Bare Headed on the Green Love midst her Locks did play And wanton'd in her Ey'n.
Her Arms white round & smooth
Without the help of Art_
Oh! had Ise aw the Wealth_ |
THE RESOLVED LASSAnother rebellious teenager!
This time there's a trill in the The flute part is written up a minor seventh. |
When parents obstinate & cruel prove, & force us to a Man we cannot love: 'tis fit we disappoint yeSordid elves, & wisely get us Husbands for our Selves; & wisely get us husbands for our Selves.
*Figured bass is a simplified notation for indicating harmonies.
It was popular with Bach when he wrote when he wrote his chorales.
It could be said that it is the baroque equivalent of chord changes.
A bass without a number under it indicates a chord in root position.
A digit 6 under the bass note indicates a first inversion chord.
Digits 6 & 4 under the bass note indicate a second inversion chord.