Love Songs

Is there any topic more sung about than Love?
Possibly, but I can't think what it would be.
Sometimes, it's about love gone right; often it's otherwise.
Our music library is filled with love songs,
many of which have "love" in the title.

At the point where over 3,300 pieces have been catalogued in our library,
there are thirty titles that begin with the word "Love."
This does not include those that begin with another form of the word, e.g.
Lovely,       Lover,       Love's,       &       Lovin'.
There's also one to help you with the spelling:
"L-O-V-E" by Bert Kaempfert & Milt Gabler.

The number of titles that contain the word love?
Haven't had time to count them yet!


"The Greeks had a word for it."
Actually, they had multiple words for it.

Eros (AIR-ose) is sexual feelings.
Storge (STOR-gay) is mainly family love.
Philia (FEE-lee-uh) is attraction to someone.
Agape (uh-GOP-ay) is unselfish regard for another, not based on emotions!

Determining what kind of love is expressed in a given song
is left as an exercise to the reader.