
Looks like you've been to the grocery store.
But not A&P; their logo looks like this:

Oh, that logo belongs to Jefferson Airplane!
This is the paper-sack packaging for their 1971 album "Bark."

Jefferson Airplane was strongly identified with the San Francisco sound.


1965:   The band Jefferson Airplane is formed.
1974:   The band becomes Jefferson Starship.
1984:   The band becomes Starship.
Although there were overlaps in each name change, the final result was a name that had no words in common with the original.
Similarly, there were many changes in personnel over the years, such that a reunion of J.A. could tour simultaneously with Starship.

I'm reminded that my father claimed to have the axe that George Washington had owned.
"It has had two new axeheads, and seven new handles," he said, "but it's the same axe!"