Kazoos have been around since the mid-1800s.
They are made from plastic, wood, metal, & other materials.
Rather than blowing, the sound is produced by humming.
So, unlike wind instruments, there are no fingerings to learn!
Still, aficianados insist that these are not toys.
Please don't tell that to the salespeople at:
U S Toys
Toys R Us
Kazoo Toys of Atlanta
Kazoo & Company Toy Store of Denver
Kazoos are made in a variety of styles, so the "player" can be a

typical style (but in an atypical antique case!)

a wooden model

with an advertisement

with a "bell" as on brass instruments

a pseudo-trumpet (with movable valves)

a pseudo-trombone (with a movable slide)

a hunting horn shape

an airplane design!
It seems that the original version consisted of comb covered with waxed tissue paper.
Maybe not the original, but certainly a common homemade version.
Put a couple of people playing these with somebody playing the spoons, and
maybe you can line up some gigs in the housewares department.