Read The Comics . . .
. . . to supplement your music ed
Jeff Keane took over The Family Circus from his father Bil.
We agree that kids & music make an entertaining combination.
Beetle Bailey is based on military humor,
but it incorporates gags on other topics.
Confusion, witty. 😄 Embarrassment, amusing! 😄
Wordplay, hilarious!! 😄 Esotericism? hmmm...
Quick story: A woman named Ruth introduced me to her son, Mike, not realizing that we had already met the
day before. Indicating him, she said to me, "He's a musician too, you know." I responded, "No he's not; he's a
drummer. He hangs out with musicians." In relatiation, he pulled out all the trombone jokes he could think of.
Example: What's the difference between a dead trombonist in the road and a dead country singer in the road?*
Here's Wiley's jab at us trombone players:
*The country singer was probably on his way to a gig.