Here is a teaching aid for our music staff.
It's a whiteboard that features a music staff.
Large versions of this are commercially available.
This one's according to "use-what-you-have-available".
You can use it to practice drawing treble and bass clef signs.
You can use it for teaching the notes on the spaces and lines.
You can draw notes that spell a word to have a student figure out the word.
Of course, the only letters that are also note names are A through G.*
Since EGG and FACE are two words made up of only those letters,
we would call the game (game, not exercise) EGG on your FACE.
There was a deck of cards containing
words that can be thusly spelled.
They could be drawn at random.
Here, the questioner's marker is purple,
and the answerer's response is in green.
A variation has the student draw a card
and make the notes to spell the word.
These sample cards demonstrate the wide range of possibilities.
*We also used the letter R for a rest.
In German, you could also use the letter H,
which used to mean B, when B actually meant B-flat.*
Bach liked to use the motif B-A-C-H, probably because it spelled his surname.
Here's this museum's silly little example of that silly little four-note sequence.
*You didn't expect an asterisk on an asterisked section, did you?
I know that's a little confusing, as are some other German things.
But, you know they say, "Muss ist eine harte Nuss, n'est-ce pas?"