Advertisers have specialists who help them express things in just the right way.
But sometimes, in the words of songwriter Jim Croce, "the words just come out wrong."
Consider these examples:
N o A d m i s s i o n
BLOWOUT SALE! (at a tire store)
Finally -- a calculator that has no equal.
Maternity sweater, $52. Comes in unisex sizes.
Corduroy Pillows: They're making headlines!
We have your Jetta ready to roll.
Free Blood Pressure
Consider the following conversations:
Sign: ORANGE JUICE . . . All You Can Drink For 10 Cents
Customer: I'd like a refill, please.
Proprietor: That'll be another ten cents.
Customer: But the sign says . . .
Proprietor: That first cup you had, that's all you can drink for 10 cents!
Sign: WATERMELON . . . $1.00 Apiece
Customer: Here's your dollar.
Proprietor (cutting off a small slice): Here's your piece!
Sign: CLOCKS REPAIRED . . . While You Wait!
Customer: I need this clock repaired.
Proprietor: It should be ready next Tuesday.
Customer: But the sign says . . .
Proprietor: You'll have to wait until then to come pick it up.
More of this kind of thing can be found at The Russler's DUMB THINGS PEOPLE SAY.