This is merely a light, a very strong light, that flashes on and off.
And on and off.
And on and off.
And on and off.
This one has a knob to adjust the speed of the flashing.
It can be turned all the way up (or is it down?) for a steady light.
You can also adjust the angle of the beam and try to blind that one guy.
It also is designed to mount on a hard surface to keep Mr. Stickyfingers
from walking off with it after he comes up and gets your autograph.
On the bottom of the unit is a battery compartment.
The reason for that is left as an exercise for the reader.
Suddenly I have the urge to repaint my \/ \/\/ hippie van to look like
a school bus and I could mount this strobe on the top and turn it on
when I stop in the middle of the street for no apparent reason as soon
as I can think of a clever name for my fictional school district and
figure out how to turn the light on without leaving the driver's seat.