Jingle Bells

Jingle bells have been used for centuries. They were added to horses' harnesses, so that the vehicles being pulled would
be heard coming. Of course, they were more useful on sleighs than on carriages, because the runners on snow were quieter
than wheels on pavement. In time, they became percussion instruments. Especially on pieces that were about snow!

A single bell. Not a lot of volume.

A set of bells. Apparently held & played like a D-shaped tambourine.
The colors are red and green. Is that supposed to make us think of Christmas?

Enough bells to accompany the entire orchestra!
Twenty-five, to be exact. Is that another Christmas reference?


For some reason, these songs get played in December, but not in January or February.*

*You might be thinking Christmas, but none of these mention baby Jesus, Santa Claus, etc.