Easy Quiz
- Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?
- What color is the black box on an airplane?
- Who wrote "The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman"?
- What city is home base to the rock group
- Which state's official bird is the California gull?
- Of what metal are silver dollars made?
- From what nationality are the Pennsylvania
Dutch descended?
- What is the cubic capacity of a ten-gallon
- Which direction should you travel from Ely, Missouri, to reach
West Ely, Missouri?
- Which direction should you travel from Bancroft, Maine, to reach
South Bancroft, Maine?
- Which direction should you travel from Helena, Montana, to reach
East Helena, Montana?
- What alcoholic beverage is an ingredient in
- What animal's likeness is on the famous "alligator"
shirts by Lacoste?
- What geologic feature's likeness is on the original business card for the Blue Mountain
Inn in Blanding, Utah?
- What are most laborers
expected to do on Labor Day?
- What is actor Tom Cruise's
last name?
- What kind of food is a peanut?
- In the logo of the
Derby International Wine Center, in Springfield, Missouri,
what color is the derby?
- In what country did the pop trio America get
- What year was it when Wendy Carlos released her recording "Switched On Bach
- The Arizona town named Colorado
City is just over the line from what neighboring state?
- Which takes longer, hoisting a flag to half-staff or
to the peak?
- What fruit is depicted in the original logo of the
Olive Garden restaurant?
- When they recorded their hits, how many members did the Thompson
Twins have?
- On what hill was the Battle of Bunker Hill
(Hint: The monument to the battle is located on Bunker Hill.)
- In college, we liked to eat at a place called Mr. Waffle.
What was their specialty?
- In what language do most Latin singers perform?
- What is the name of the female lead character in the movie "Chasing
- Which month sees the beginning of
- What type of animal is a Belgium Hare?
- What Texas city is home to the University of
- From what is sweetbread made?
- What color is bleu (French for
"blue") cheese dressing?
- What was Paul Harvey's last name?
- In what country are Panama hats made?
- What animal gives its name to the Canary
- What is the elevation of Mile-High Stadium?
- What relation are the Righteous Brothers to
each other?
- "Judy In Disguise" was recorded by John Fred & His Playboy Band.
What was John Fred's last name?
- How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
- What state is home to the New York Giants?
- On what street in Dallas, Texas could you find
Lovers Lane United Methodist Church?
- What type of animals are mountain oysters?
- Where did Irish coffee originate?
- How many musketeers are involved in the story of "The
Three Musketeers"?
- In what city can you find the famous London
- What is the name of the Small Park
on Millbrook Avenue in Fresno, California?
- What color is grey
poupon mustard?
- What shape is Thanksgiving Square in
downtown Dallas?
- Which end of the country is West Virginia on?
- What food item is pictured along with the words "Braum's Hamburgers"
on the exterior of the restaurant?
- What type of flying creature is depicted in the logo of Visiting
- How many tracks are on Walter Becker's solo album
"11 Tracks Of Whack"?
- What animal's intestines are used to make catgut?
(Hint: "cat"
is the first syllable in
- In which state can you find an ocean inlet called The Strait Of Georgia?
- What was King George VI's first name?
- In what country did French fries originate?
- Which town in New York was the site of the
Woodstock Music Festival of 1969?
- What common spice lends its taste to the unique flavor of Dr Pepper?
- During what month do the Mayflies typically
appear in Texas?
- In the Shriners Hospital TV ad that features "If You're Happy And You Know It," a camera shot of what musical instrument accompanies the lyric "play the cello"?
- What color are Yellow
Freight System truck cabs?
- Which Indiana city is home to the Indianapolis
Motor Speedway, where the
Indianapolis 500 is held?
- What kind of animal inspired the TCU Horned Frog mascot?
- Of what metal are tin cans made?
- In what year was the movie "Frankenstein--1970"
- In the BusinessObjects software, the Drill
button contains an icon depicting what common household tool?
- When they recorded their hits, how many members did
Timbuk3 have?
- Which president authored the
Monroe Doctrine?
- What color-named river flows through Utah's
Gray Canyon?
- What winter feature was the inspiration for the name of the Arizona town of
- What neighboring state is just across the river from
Penns Grove and
Pennsville, New Jersey?
- From what country do Chinese gooseberries
- The James Bond movies were scored by John Barry.
What is John Barry's last name?
- What basic geometric shape is a speed square?
- In what state can you find Texas Falls?
- How long does a "permanent" last?
- What color was the logo for Green Spot
Orange Drink?
- Which direction should you travel from Thornton, New Hampshire, to reach
West Thornton, New Hampshire?
- What class of musical instrument is an English horn?
- Hell's Half Acre in Wyoming
comprises how much land area?
- What type of granuloma is a pyogenic
- What type of pyogenic mass is called a pyogenic granuloma?
- What sort of fruit is alligator pear?
- South West
City, Missouri, is in what corner of the state?
- In the movie "Hoosiers," what was the
name of the basketball team that was central to the story?
- In what Georgia city did the rock group
Rhythm Section get its start?
- In which month do Russians celebrate the
October Revolution?
- On the logo for All-Safe Pest Control,
specialists, what insect is depicted?
- Hawaii's two official languages are English and
so the signs in Honolulu are in English and what language?
- How many pieces are in a Croft & Barrow The Comfort & Joy Pajamas 3-Piece Set?
- In the Civil War battle "The Merrimack Vs.
The Monitor", what ship fought against The Monitor?
- Of what is a camel's hair brush made?
- From what country do we get Jordan almonds?
- What is the distinguishing feature of the town of
Big Lake, Texas?
- What color were the helmets of the Cleveland
- What major U.S. city is home to the three famous St. Louis Cemeteries?
- What is singer Tom Jones' last name?
- What category of animal is a silverfish?
- During what month do the June bugs typically
appear in Texas?
- What part of the country is North Carolina in?
- What shape is the floor plan of Madison
Square Garden?
- In which country is the seat of the Greek
Orthodox Church?
- Which state's quarter depicts Washington crossing the Delaware?
(No, it's not Washington's!)
- The BareNaked Ladies' hit "One Week" spent how long on
the Billboard Hot 100?
- What was the primary mode of transportation in the Pony Express?
- What animal is depicted on ads for Bussey's Flea Market?
- What is the weapon of choice for the musketeers in the story
of "The Three Musketeers"?
- West Louisville, Kentucky
is just west of what major Kentucky city?
- Besides chocolate syrup and seltzer, what is the other ingredient of an
egg cream?
- What city in New Mexico is the home of
Carlsbad Caverns?
- What color is the yellow
light on a traffic signal?
- If you are in the C.D.P. named North Fork, California, and you want to visit
the community of South
Fork, California, which direction should you travel?
- What was the name of the monster in the novel
(Hint: the answer is in the question!)
- What type of landform is Coney Island
in Lower New York Bay?
- What type of landform is Antelope Island
in Great Salt Lake?
- How many members did the Classics IV have?
- In what year was Christ (the "C" in "B.C.") born?
- On what street in Louisville, Kentucky could you find
Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church?
- In what European country are the famous
Spanish Steps?
- How many books are in Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker
- Spring wheat is planted in the spring. When is
winter wheat planted?
- What color-named county in Wisconsin has
Bay as its county seat?
- What is the ethnic origin of Irish potatoes?
- What Texas city is home to the University of Texas at
- Who wrote the plays of William Shakespeare?
- In what country did India ink originate?
- What was composer Ralph Vaughan Williams' last name?
- What type of vehicle is depicted in the logo of Texas
Title And Payday Loans?
- Of what metal is pencil lead made?
- What color is a purple finch?
- What type of insect is a white ant?
- What shape is a boxing ring?
- Missouri City, Texas,
is close to what neighboring state?
- Who sang lead in the fusion band EDDIE & the
- On what day was George Washington (whose birthday is
February 22) born?
- What fruit is the source of banana oil?
- What color is an Eastern Grey Kangaroo?
- In the movie "Abbott & Costello Go To Mars",
what planet do Abbott & Costello go to?
- On the Van Morrison album "Poetic Champions Compose," whose cover shows
photographs of him with sax, guitar, and
piano, what three instruments does he play?
- What is the copyright year on Microsoft Windows
- Great Danes
come from what country?
- Which borough of New York City is home to
Manhattan Beach?
- In North America, how can you tell the difference between a
brown bear and a
black bear?
- What color is an osage
- What part of the country is South Dakota in?
- On Lake Roosevelt in
state is a city named after what president?
- Who delivered Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech?
- Which direction should you travel from Congaree, South Carolina, to reach
South Congaree, South Carolina?
- What bird of prey is the mascot of Richardson (Texas) High School's
Golden Eagle band?
- What type of fruit juice is the basis of the Fruit Works beverage called
- What was Ray Charles' last name?
- Which is bigger, a fat chance or a slim chance?
- What part of "no" do you not understand?
- How do you spell "RELIEF"?
- Could switching to Geico
really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
How many questions are in this quiz?