Listed below are ten pop songs, together with some of the people who recorded them. Each word has had one of its letters replaced by a digit. Determine the missing letters.
Next, rearrange the five letters that were replaced by zeroes to form a common word, and write the word in the grid below. Do the same with the ones, twos, and so on.
Determine what the ten resulting words have in common. Your answer will provide a clue to something these songs have in common.
i8's 1oing t9 3ake so5e t9me
- carpen6ers |
1 fe9l t7e eart5 mov1
- ma3tika |
wi2l y8u lo9e 4e tom5rrow
- fou0 s9asons - d5ve mas3n - shirelle4 |
smackw4ter ja0k
- quin5y jo7es |
3atural 0oman
- a9etha frank8in |
8t's to0 lat7
- 9loria e7tefan |
6ou've 7ot 6 fri3nd
- ro8erta f6ack & do9ny 7athaway - 4ames taylo6 |
o1e f8ne da4
- chiffo5s |
th4 locomot7on
- k6lie minog2e - gra0d fu8k - li4tle 2va |
9o fa5 awa8
- 2od stewa1t |
- bl6od 7weat & tea2s |