Card Game

  1. Audrey Hepburn, when publicizing "Breakfast At Tiffany's," got to wear the famous Tiffany Diamond, making her the queen of diamonds (for a day).
  2. The members of a baseball team constitute nine of baseball diamonds.
  3. Christiaan Barnard became the king of hearts by performing the first human heart transplant.
  4. Cupid & St Valentine are two of the heart's greatest champions.
  5. An expert gravedigger is an ace of spades.
  6. Jerry Seinfeld is quite a joker, don't you think?
  7. John Lyons, owns Avalon Hollywood & Bardot Hollywood, making him a Jack of clubs.
  8. Marginal, diagonal, coronary, pulmonary, ventricular, and anterior interventricular are six of the heart's types of arteries.
  9. Straight line segments, perhaps tilted at fifty degrees, would be all four of a diamond's (i.e. rhombus') sides.
  10. "The Maltese Falcon," "Too Many Have Lived," & "They Can Only Hang You Once" are three of Sam Spade's stories.
  11. "Wooden weapons," "restaurants with booze," "organized associations," "meeting places," and "cloverleaf shapes" are five meanings of "clubs."