One Inventor's Greatest Legacy
What is thirteen multiplied by sax?
String Bein's
It takes a lot of guts to make these.
A Pocket-Sized Instrument
But you might need more than one.
Technician's Toolbox
Tireless tradesmen typically tell tickling troupers to tune twice (two times) . . . annually.
"tout suite": pseudo-French for "right away"
"toot sweet": American for "pleasant sound"
Simple instruments that have stood the test of time.
Can You Stand It?
Along with your instrument, you might need one of these:
A Galway Whistler
Perhaps trying to drum up a few gigs.
Ua Mau Ke Aa O Ka Aina I Ka Pono
Uke can do it!
Don't hit it hard!
Maybe it should just be a museum piece. . . .
Kookoo For Kokopelli
Read about this legendary flute player.
Polka Tot
Here's a small bellows-driven free-reed aerophone.
A Quick Lesson By Alan Raph
a time to slide, and a time to refrain from sliding
No Longer Gourds And Animal Skins
Seriously, Steve Martin?
Parallel Universe
How to play a duet with yourself.
Old Upright Piano
When I'm that old, I probably won't be upright!
It all started with a boring story.
Standard Broadcaster's Utility Sign
I saw the light.
Crash At My Pad
practice in [relative] silence
The Zimbab-Way
If you're all thumbs, you need to read this.
When is a triangle not a Δ?
A Single High Note
A Wooden Fish?
swimming in the mountains?
Take Your Pick
. . . and, take your pick.
"Current" Piano Substitutes
Mozart didn't have one of these.
An Instrument Originally Played By A Horse
Are you listening?
Kitchen Appliance? Social Event? Soft Drink?
when being mixed up is a good thing
Successor To The Megaphone
There are those who call me . . . Mike.
Ruler Of The Rushin' Empire
You might want to sit on this a while!
The B-flat size . . .
. . . is between the piccolo & the bass sizes.
But is it the right beat?
Add a disco ball and do the hustle!
{ Licorice Stick }
{ in wood, plastic, or nickel }
{ Nope, Not Onion Rings }
{ in practice space, & perhaps small venue }